Kern and ICC have a valuable free gift for you!

Kern and ICC have a valuable free gift for you!

Here’s your free Special Report –
ICC Spills the Beans: The Trifecta Formula for Sales Success!

There’s a great way to give you a taste of my new business – Ingenious Culinary Concepts. A free Special Report!

Ingenious Culinary Concepts provides consulting, training and marketing services to the K-12 food service industry by bringing more customers to the table. Regularly. Enthusiastically. And profitably!

I’ll be telling you more about that in the weeks to come. But for now I want to give you that valuable FREE Gift. I call it ICC Spills the Beans: The Trifecta Formula for Sales Success! To get yours, click here!

While you’re at be sure to check out the innovative strategies we offer, valuable resources we provide and new products we’re creating to help you maximize your business sales.
Here’s to your success!
Kern Halls
“Chief Innovator”
Ingenious Culinary Concepts

P.S. Be sure to grab your gift, with our compliments. Pick up.


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